Frequently Asked Questions

What is NEMT?

Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, or NEMT, is a term commonly used by Medicaid or Medicare participants to designate a travel benefit that allows qualified patients to get to and from medical appointments, clinics, emergency treatment, or hospitals. Trips are non-emergency in nature, which means there is no urgent threat to the participant's health or safety, and no need for life support items in the car throughout the journey. Patients may require NEMT for a variety of reasons, including: lack of a valid driver's licence, lack of a job automobile, position or incompatibility for physical, mental, or developmental reasons. Patients may be unable to use traditional modes of transportation. NEMT is accessible to provide consistent and preventive services, increase health benefits, and decrease costly hospital charges or emergency visits. NEMT is especially important for those who have chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart problems, cancer, COPD, or asthma.

What does NEMT actually look like?

NEMT encompasses a variety of forms of transportation, including automobiles, wheelchair vans, buses, stretcher vehicles, and mileage reimbursement. Reimbursement for mass transportation or long-distance accommodation, such as air travel, can be utilised when a member requires long-distance or non-state care. NEMT spans both urban and rural areas, and transportation is frequently the most convenient and appropriate mode of transportation, as decided by individual participants on a case-by-case basis.

What is an NEMT Software?

NEMT Software transmits electronic data automatically, improving billing quality and enforcement with fewer refused trips. It also enables NEMT dispatchers to get faster Medicaid and other contract payments.

Who pays for NEMT?

The Medicare & Medicaid Services Center NEMT regulates the $5 billion federally and tax-funded NEMT industry (CMS). Over the previous five years, Medicaid spending for NEMT has accounted for around 1% of total Medicaid expenditures, which might have a significant influence on rising healthcare prices. A analysis by the State University of Florida finds that if just 1 percent of trips financed skip hospital residence, the reimbursement to the State amounts to $1.08 per $ 1 expenditure in NEMT. With the need for a successful NEMT every year, with more than 3.6 million Americans losing or delayed treatment every year due to transport problems.

What is an NEMT broker?

A NEMT broker connects members with transport providers in the most powerful and cost-effective way possible. The carriers handle a variety of NEMT operations such as membership eligibility, network operator administration, supplier credentials, travel approval/management/dispatch, and reporting. Using a competitive tendering process, cooperating states select a dealer based on experience, efficiency, costs, and a variety of other considerations.

What is Nemt software and why you need to use our software?

The NEMT Software dynamically evaluates the usual routes of all non-emergency vehicles in the fleet, identifying locations where last-minute pickups or single-booking trips will fit into the existing timetable. NEMT applications and resources effectively extract information that enables users to identify the origins of performance issues and avert possible incidents. Furthermore, drivers are held accountable for adhering to timetables for Google Maps integration and are supplied with real-time traffic notifications for course adjustments. When a driver is late for a delivery, the dispatcher will instantly reassign a ride.